Voice Summit | Workshop

Maryam Nabavi

Written by Forrest Smith | Oct 21, 2020 12:26:54 PM

What does a baby’s babbling tell us about their brain?


Maryam Nabavi, Co-Founder & CEO of Babbly

This team has created the first ever analyzer of baby’s speech and has launched a mobile app where parents can get real time information about their child’s overall development.

80% of the brain develops by age 3! How we track it in a child hasn’t really changed in recent decades. There are 4-6 month milestone checklist. Parent’s are asked to report the development themselves which causes for some problems.

  • Decades old tracking tools
  • Lack of awareness
  • Parent bias

Now we know that there is a strong correlation between the onset of canonical babbling after ten months with neurodevelopment disorders such as language delay and autism. Not tracking a babies babbling is a missed opportunity for families and the healthcare system as it can give them a tool to support the child’s development based on their unique set of skills and needs.

Babbly uses deep learning to analyze an infant’s speech to classify the different utterances of the baby. One of the most amazing things is that babbling is universal and so is this AI, meaning it can provide resources and guidance to parents around the globe.